Licensed Mental Health Counselors Lmhc Continuing Education

New York Mental Health Counselors Association

Continuing Education Program

Am I required to take continuing education as a licensed LMHC?

Yes. Every licensed mental health counselor practicing with his or her New York license must complete the required . As a practicing licensed mental health counselor, you are required to complete 36 hours of acceptable formal continuing education (12 hours of self-study, and 24 hours of live, in-person education)  during each three-year registration period.

If you are returning to practice as a licensed mental health counselor in New York, you may have to complete pro-rated hours of continuing education. This calculation will depend on whether or not you were practicing the mental health counseling profession in New York and/or another state before you apply to re-register in New York.

I just received my license parchment. Since I am in my first registration period, do I need to take continuing education courses immediately?

You are not required to complete continuing education during your initial three-year registration period. However, you will need to complete a pro-rated number of hours based on the length of your second registration period which is adjusted based on your birth month.

I was practicing in another jurisdiction and just received my first New York license and registration. Do I need to begin taking continuing education immediately?

No, the law provides an exemption from the continuing education requirement for the first three-year registration period in which one is licensed as a licensed mental health counselor.

Can I register to practice even if I have not met the continuing education requirement?

You will receive your registration renewal notice about 4 months before the end of your current registration period. You have the option of registering online or by mail. However, you should not file your registration application until you have met the continuing education requirement. If you indicate you have not met the requirement, your registration will be placed on hold until you submit verification to the State Board.

If you will not meet the continuing education requirement by the end of your registration period, then you may apply for a conditional registration.

When will I be required to begin affirming the completion of continuing education?

Licensees whose first re-registration date following January 1, 2017, occurs less than three years from that date, but on or after January 1, 2017, will have to complete one hour of acceptable formal continuing education for each month in the period beginning January 1, 2017. Licensees must attest to whether or not they have met the requirement as part of the registration application for the next three-year period.

 For Counselor Educators Who Are LMHC's:

 When a LMHC uses instruction/teaching to fulfill their CE requirement they must do the following:

 1. Teach a master's or doctoral level course in an acceptable MHC subject at an accredited higher education  institution  OR an acceptable continuing education course for one of our approved providers ("acceptable" is  determined by the  approved provider)

 2. Teach the course during the registration period for which the CE is needed AND after 1/1/2017 when the CE law  goes  into effect

 3. Use the course taught for their CE requirement only once in a lifetime

 4. Calculate the number of contact hours: 1 hour for every hour teaching in the classroom PLUS up to 2 hours of  prep time  for every hour teaching in the classroom; the instructor is the only one able to calculate these hours

 5. An example on how to calculate hours: taught the course for 3.5 hours, prep time is up to 2 times the time  spent  teaching, maximum prep time is 7.0 hours (2 x 3.5), add these hours together: 3.5 actual teaching time +  7.0 prep time =  10.5 total contact hours.

 Therefore, choose an appropriate course taught during the allowed time period and calculate the hours. Keep  documentation of the course and your calculation of hours in your own personal file to remind yourself of the  hours you  want to use toward your CE requirement when it comes time to renew your registration. The  documentation required  should include a copy of the syllabus listing you as the instructor, the dates of the  course and the schedule of the course.  This documentation must be kept for six years and provided to us if you  are audited. Do not submit this documentation to  the Board unless requested.

More FAQ's on the State Education Department Website.....Click HERE .

FAQs About Continuing Education Requirement For LMHC's

NYMHCA has developed a program to provide you with the continuing education programs that you need to fulfill your LMHC license renewal process every 3 years.  See below the FAQs regarding the state's requirements.

NYMHCA will offer only live, in-person programs such as workshops given during our regional chapter meetings, webinars and workshops given during our biennial conventions.  Attendees will fill out and hand in a survey and leave with their completion certificates!

Are you interested in becoming a presenter  for CEU presentations?

  Click  here  for info and to apply.

*** If you attend a CEU workshop presented by one of NYMHCA's 10 Regional Chapters the

      fee schedule is as follows:

          - If you are a NYMHCA Chapter Member  -  $5 per CEU

          - If you are a NYMHCA member but not a chapter member - $10 per CEU

          - If you are not a NYMHCA member  -  $20 per CEU

          - Students, new grads and members of other professions are welcome to attend these

            workshops.  You will only pay if you require CEU's.

          - Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs), and CASACs can use these CEU workshops to

            fulfill a portion of the continuing education requirements for the renewal of their


Questions? Contact our Continuing Education Program Coordinator, Mitch Cole


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